Stone Church, St Mary the Virgin
13th Century parish church of Stone-next-Dartford, Kent
A place of welcome, prayer, healing and peace.
GDPR and Communications Consent
COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT FORM - for all members and users of Stone Church, St Mary the Virgin.
Your privacy is important to us and we would like to communicate with you about the church and its activities. To do so we need your consent.
Please fill in your name and contact information and confirm your consent by completing and submitting the form by clicking the button. You will then see a message to say your form has been successfully sent to our secure email address.
You can find out more about how we use your personal data by reading our privacy notice which you can find on the noticeboard at the back of church and on this website here.
If you are aged 13 or under your parent or guardian should fill in their details below to confirm their consent.
If you are a 'role holder' eg. Clergy, Lay minister, Churchwarden, Treasurer, PCC member, pastoral worker, safeguarding officer, electoral roll officer, deanery synod representative, children’s worker, other volunteer and role holder, please read the role holders privacy notice here and then complete and send the form below.
By completing the form below you are consenting that we may contact you to keep you informed about church news, services, events, activities and fundraising. This may include news about other local churches and the work of the Diocese.
By completing each box you agree that we may contact you through each of the methods listed.
Note: Where you do not grant consent we will not be able to use your personal data; (so for example we may not be able to let you know about forthcoming services and events); except in certain limited situations, such as where required to do so by law or protect members of the public from serious harm. You can find out more about how we use your data from our privacy notice which is on the noticeboard at the back of church and on this website here. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting us.
If you are, or intend to be entered on to the electoral roll of St Mary's please read the privacy notice regarding the use of your data here.