Stone Church, St Mary the Virgin
13th Century parish church of Stone-next-Dartford, Kent
A place of welcome, prayer, healing and peace.
Christmas at St Mary's
Christmas services for 2023
Advent 1
Sunday 3rd December- 10 am Holy Communion, lighting of the first Advent candle
Advent 2
Sunday 10th December - 10 am Family 'bootee' service with Holy Communion, lighting of the second Advent candle.
Advent 3
Sunday 17th December - 10 am Holy Communion, lighting of the third Advent candle.
Saturday 23rd December - 5 pm Parish Carol Service.
Advent 4
Sunday 24th December - 10 am Holy Communion, lighting of the fourth Advent candle.
4.00 pm Christingle service for children
11.30 pm - Midnight Mass and Blessing of the Christmas Crib.
Monday 25th December - Christmas Day - 10am Holy Communion
Sunday 31st December - First Sunday after Christmas - 10am Holy Communion